

League Subs Sign Up

Mon, 01-27-2025 - Wed, 12-31-2025
Members: $35 adults / $30 jr/sr Non-Members: $40 adults / $35 jr/sr

If you want to sub any league night, sign up here to pre-pay

Member Adults - $35

Member Youth/Sr - $30

Non-Member Adults - $40

Non-Member Youth/Sr - $35


TKE Region 4 “Stone Cold” Brotherhood Curling Event

Sat, 02-15-2025 6:15 pm -8:15 pm
TKE Region 4 “Stone Cold” Brotherhood Curling Event

This special  beginner's lesson only for the TKE Region 4 Brotherhood, covers the basics in a fun, fast-paced session that will have you throwing and sweeping stones in no time.  Then we'll finish with a round robin competition of abbreviated games to crown the winning team! 

No special clothes or gear are necessary, but it is recommended that you wear long pants, a jacket, gloves, and CLEAN athletic shoes (no heels or boots). 


Luann's 50th

Sat, 03-08-2025 6:00 pm -9:00 pm
Luann's 50th

Join CurlVegas member Luann in celebrating her 50th Birthday. Mini bonspiel followed by broomstacking, cake and mingling fun.

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Contact Info


3525 E. Post Road, #110
Las Vegas, NV 89120
Telephone: (702) 614-9392

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About CurlVegas

Whether you want to learn the sport, play in a league, host a celebration (birthdays, anniversaries, retirement) or have a team-building corporate or group event, CurlVegas is the place for you. ​

Our mission is to foster and promote the development of the sport of curling, and to provide beneficial physical activity, through the sport, to adults, youths, seniors, veterans, and persons with disabilities.

We are a non-profit 501(c)(3) charity,